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4 Healthy Habits of Successful CEOs That Will Change Your Life

2020 is well underway which means that it’s time to evaluate your progress on those New Year’s resolutions. But don’t worry if you haven’t had much success with your goals because it’s never too late to start.

In fact, over 90 percent of the people fail at achieving their New Year’s goals because they aren’t being too realistic about them.

Changing your entire lifestyle instantaneously might sound doable in theory but it’s quite overwhelming in practice.

And if you want to succeed in life, take this millionaire CEO’s advice who believes in improving your current daily routine instead of replacing it with a new one.

According to scientific research, people who divide their goal into sub-goals are more likely to achieve success.

Here are some simple tweaks you can make to your lifestyle in order to see a shift in your mood and a boost in your productivity.

Put the Phone Away

We live in an age of technology where we are constantly bombarded with notifications and messages that require our attention and time, and as a result, we become more and more stressed and distracted over time.

Successful people know how to disconnect from technology when they need to in order to focus on their personal health.

Put your phone away before bedtime

Start with the Hardest Challange

The best way of tackling your day is getting started with the hardest task first and then moving on to the rest. This way, you can go about the rest of your day without the added stress.

Finishing a difficult task also leaves you with a sense of accomplishment and new-found determination to face the rest of the day.

Always start your day with the most difficult task

Food for Thought

It goes without saying that a healthy diet should be the most crucial part of your lifestyle because the way you fuel your body has an affect on your mood and your overall health.

A good morning routine should start with lots of water to rehydrate your body after 8 hours of sleep, followed by a nutritious breakfast to give you the energy to jumpstart your day on a good note.

A good morning routine should start with lots of water to rehydrate your body

Be Creative

Even when they’re not working, successful CEOs continuously exercise their brains through stimulating exercises such as playing chess, reading a book or learning a new skill. This allows them to tap into their creativity and come up with exciting ideas for their business.

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